Tudor: The angel who flew away
I miss Tudor...
She came to me in december 2003, when we were living in Göteborg. I managed to keep myself alive for some months without any animals at all around me, but I felt worse and worse with the time. When I left my mother's home in northern Sweden I left my Norweigian forestcat, Mimmi, and her son Adam behind too. So there I was, without any animals, and it felt so empty.
One winters day, I saw an add on the internet about a young Norweigian forestcat girl. She was ooh, so lovely. The add said that she was deaf, but that didn't change my mind about getting her. So I went to Malmö. Oh, my god, she was the cutest thing I had ever seen. A tiny, white, little ball of fur, with pink nose and ears and big, dark eyes. We went home by bus and she was so relaxed and sweet. I was so happy.
A couple of months after Tudor came to us, we got Paasah too. The girls soon became very good friends and they played a lot with eachother, especially when they were youngsters. They have been like sisters.
Tudor has been a very strong cat, living with her problems, both the deafness and a food allergy. When she was born, her mother didn't want to care for her, so she was fed with a bottle. I think her allergy came from the milk supplement, which is not as natural for a kitten as the mother's milk. Even though she had those allergic problems, she was always happy. A real little sunshine, lighting up the day.
Last summer (and now living in the countryside in northern Sweden) Tudor had her own babies. I was very concerned because I thought that maybe she wouldn't be able to care for the kittens, as she hadn't been cared for by her mother. But I was so wrong, she was SO happy to be a mother and she was the best little catmom you could ever imagine. I think that summer was the best time of her life.
Now, Tudor's daughter Bianca (Arguila Bianca) is living with my mother and her other cats, while her two sons Alf and Acce (Arctic Action) is living with us. Unfortunately, their mother left us in january, only three years old. I think she had been eating something that her body couldn't deal with. She died in my arms this late evening and it was a very emotional moment. No dry eyes, I tell you.
I miss Tudor very, very much, but I feel happy and thankful for the three wonderful years I got with her and I see a part of her in both her beautiful sons and her lovely daugher.
My little angel, I hope someday we will meet face to face, in a place without time and space...
She came to me in december 2003, when we were living in Göteborg. I managed to keep myself alive for some months without any animals at all around me, but I felt worse and worse with the time. When I left my mother's home in northern Sweden I left my Norweigian forestcat, Mimmi, and her son Adam behind too. So there I was, without any animals, and it felt so empty.
One winters day, I saw an add on the internet about a young Norweigian forestcat girl. She was ooh, so lovely. The add said that she was deaf, but that didn't change my mind about getting her. So I went to Malmö. Oh, my god, she was the cutest thing I had ever seen. A tiny, white, little ball of fur, with pink nose and ears and big, dark eyes. We went home by bus and she was so relaxed and sweet. I was so happy.
A couple of months after Tudor came to us, we got Paasah too. The girls soon became very good friends and they played a lot with eachother, especially when they were youngsters. They have been like sisters.
Tudor has been a very strong cat, living with her problems, both the deafness and a food allergy. When she was born, her mother didn't want to care for her, so she was fed with a bottle. I think her allergy came from the milk supplement, which is not as natural for a kitten as the mother's milk. Even though she had those allergic problems, she was always happy. A real little sunshine, lighting up the day.
Last summer (and now living in the countryside in northern Sweden) Tudor had her own babies. I was very concerned because I thought that maybe she wouldn't be able to care for the kittens, as she hadn't been cared for by her mother. But I was so wrong, she was SO happy to be a mother and she was the best little catmom you could ever imagine. I think that summer was the best time of her life.
Now, Tudor's daughter Bianca (Arguila Bianca) is living with my mother and her other cats, while her two sons Alf and Acce (Arctic Action) is living with us. Unfortunately, their mother left us in january, only three years old. I think she had been eating something that her body couldn't deal with. She died in my arms this late evening and it was a very emotional moment. No dry eyes, I tell you.
I miss Tudor very, very much, but I feel happy and thankful for the three wonderful years I got with her and I see a part of her in both her beautiful sons and her lovely daugher.
My little angel, I hope someday we will meet face to face, in a place without time and space...
Postat av: eva
Jag blir rörd när jag läser din fina "runa" över det ljuvliga väsendet Tudor. Eftersom jag delar lägenhet med snöflingan Bianca som är Tudors dotter så blir jag ständigt påmind om hennes mammas förmåga att slå oss "människofamiljen" med häpnad. Jag minns när Tudors matte berättade att Tudor satt uppflugen på en mellanvägg i stallet och spanade efter råttor, hon kunde ju inte höra dom men av någon outgrundlig anledning kunde hon ändå lokalisera en råtta som befann sig bakom en av väggarna utom synhåll för henne. Jag har så undrat vilket av sina sinnen hon använde den gången.....
Postat av: eva
ååå så sött foto på tudan på ormlåda
Postat av: Karro
Jag blev också jätterörd när jag läste detta, snyft. Det var jättevackert sagt om den lilla ängeln Tuddan^^