Equus Caballus: The horses of my life
The early beginning...
When I was 12 years old I got Bleikfaxi, an 11 years old Icelandic horse. It was wonderful.
"Bleiki" and I had a lot of lovely times together throughout the years. I learned so very much about horses from him. When I was about 16 I had to move from the village I grew up in and to the town, and then I decided to leave Bleiki to another family who lived in the country. I just wanted him to be with someone who lived outside the town, who had other horses and who had more time for him than I had at the time. I didn't sell him though, because I had a feeling that I would be able to have him again in the future.
Bleikfaxi frá Eyrabakka
The years passed by. I was busy studying, travelling and moving around a bit. In the fall of 2005 I finally got settled where I'm living today. On the countryside in the north of Sweden. It didn't take long until I felt that I really wanted to have horses in my life again. There was no stable at our yard, but it was a barn with the potential to become one. I think I got the idea in november or december, and in january the stable stood ready.
I couldn't have Bleikfaxi all alone, so I came to the conclusion that it was time to make a dream come true. A long time I have wanted to have a young horse, an "undamaged" one, that I could grow together with. My favourite breed beside Icelandic horses has always been Arabian horses, and especially the Egyptian type. I wanted a colt, because I like the way they are and I think their charisma is something really special. So, I began to look around for a good breeder, because that's what I felt was the most important thing; that the breeder was a good person and had been able to give the foal a good start in life.
I found a stud in the middle of Denmark, which had three foals for sale. Two colts and one filly. They all looked stunning and I really liked the appearence of both the colts. I wrote two the breeder and asked about the personality of the two. I got a very nice mail back with good descriptions of them both and I instantly fell for the sweet and gentle Said El Dine.
Said in Denmark, a couple of months old
The beautiful parents of Said
1. The father, Radames II
2. The mother, Saida Bint Shahila
A lot of mailing and phone conversations later we (me, my mother and my boyfriend) took the car southwards. It was a crazy trip, considering that it's far more than a thousand kilometers from where I live to Denmark. But Said was an angel and the trip went flawless, just perfect. Some days later Said was here in cold, northern Sweden, in the stable I had built.
The day after Said arrived, we went to pick Bleiki up. It was a wonderful reunion with my dear old friend.
The first picture I took of Said when he had arrived here
Said, january 2006, 10 months old
The story continues...
It felt great to have horses around me again. I loved watching them play with eachother. I loved taking them on walks in the woods or in the fields. The harmony of seeing them just chill out , grazing in their pasture is beyond words. I had a thousand wonderful times with the horses and I never regretted that I got them, even though it was plenty of hard work too.
Said grew fast and even though young colts tend to be pretty demanding when they are growing up and the hormones start to flow, Said continued to be the most sweet, easy and gentle little boy. He was so good at everything and behaved excellent in all the situations I put him in; the daily care, the other animals, the traffic, the hoof care, the vet - everything. I was really, really proud of him all the time.
Bleiki seemed to like being the "father" of a young stallion. I think it helped him to keep fresh and young himself. He didn't get very much rest, because Said wanted to play almost all the time, but it seemed like Bleiki was enjoying it really much. Of course he got his lazy moments anyway, when he could just lay down and chill some hours. The older Said got, the more Bleiki could trust him to keep watch while he was resting. Bleiki was the leader of the two. Said tried to take the lead at times, but in my eyes Bleiki was always the strongest, even though Said was bigger.
Winter 2005/2006
I'm riding Bleiki and Said is following us
Spring 2006
Summer 2006
The end of the story
Sometime in the middle of this summer, 2006, I had to realize that it would be hard for me to keep the horses one more winter. It was not only the time that wasn't enough, it was the money too. It was a really hard decision. The horses was of course a big part of my life and they gave me so very much. I thought of all the plans I had made about the future, when I would be able to ride Said and all. But deep inside I felt that I wanted them to be with someone who had a lot more time for them. I had school, the house, the dogs and cats. My time just wasn't enough for giving quality time to all of the animals, and horses are really "time stealing".
I wrote to Said's breeder in Denmark and explained it all. Wondering if she was willing to take him back or if she knew someone who was interested in him. I deeply wished for him to go back to his breeder, because I knew that she was a really good person. After some weeks she had decided to take him back.
I started to look for a good home for Bleiki, and I had a lot of requirements. Bleiki is a special guy and I wanted him to come to someone who could give him what he needed. Finally I found a family who lived in Norrbotten, even more northward than I am living. This family came here to see Bleiki and after just some minutes I realized that they were the perfect family for him. They were showing great understanding in horses and their needs and they were very nice people. The daughter was 12 years old, the age I was in when I got him, and Bleiki and she agreed very well. It was lovely to see.
So Said moved back to his breeder in Denmark in the middle of july and Bleiki moved to his new family in Norrbotten a couple of days afterwards. I really miss them but it felt, and stills feels, like this was the very best solution for us all.
I deeply treasure the time I got with those two lovely creatures!
♥ ♥ ♥
When I was 12 years old I got Bleikfaxi, an 11 years old Icelandic horse. It was wonderful.
"Bleiki" and I had a lot of lovely times together throughout the years. I learned so very much about horses from him. When I was about 16 I had to move from the village I grew up in and to the town, and then I decided to leave Bleiki to another family who lived in the country. I just wanted him to be with someone who lived outside the town, who had other horses and who had more time for him than I had at the time. I didn't sell him though, because I had a feeling that I would be able to have him again in the future.
Bleikfaxi frá Eyrabakka
The years passed by. I was busy studying, travelling and moving around a bit. In the fall of 2005 I finally got settled where I'm living today. On the countryside in the north of Sweden. It didn't take long until I felt that I really wanted to have horses in my life again. There was no stable at our yard, but it was a barn with the potential to become one. I think I got the idea in november or december, and in january the stable stood ready.
I couldn't have Bleikfaxi all alone, so I came to the conclusion that it was time to make a dream come true. A long time I have wanted to have a young horse, an "undamaged" one, that I could grow together with. My favourite breed beside Icelandic horses has always been Arabian horses, and especially the Egyptian type. I wanted a colt, because I like the way they are and I think their charisma is something really special. So, I began to look around for a good breeder, because that's what I felt was the most important thing; that the breeder was a good person and had been able to give the foal a good start in life.
I found a stud in the middle of Denmark, which had three foals for sale. Two colts and one filly. They all looked stunning and I really liked the appearence of both the colts. I wrote two the breeder and asked about the personality of the two. I got a very nice mail back with good descriptions of them both and I instantly fell for the sweet and gentle Said El Dine.
Said in Denmark, a couple of months old
The beautiful parents of Said
1. The father, Radames II
2. The mother, Saida Bint Shahila
A lot of mailing and phone conversations later we (me, my mother and my boyfriend) took the car southwards. It was a crazy trip, considering that it's far more than a thousand kilometers from where I live to Denmark. But Said was an angel and the trip went flawless, just perfect. Some days later Said was here in cold, northern Sweden, in the stable I had built.
The day after Said arrived, we went to pick Bleiki up. It was a wonderful reunion with my dear old friend.
The first picture I took of Said when he had arrived here
The story continues...
It felt great to have horses around me again. I loved watching them play with eachother. I loved taking them on walks in the woods or in the fields. The harmony of seeing them just chill out , grazing in their pasture is beyond words. I had a thousand wonderful times with the horses and I never regretted that I got them, even though it was plenty of hard work too.
Said grew fast and even though young colts tend to be pretty demanding when they are growing up and the hormones start to flow, Said continued to be the most sweet, easy and gentle little boy. He was so good at everything and behaved excellent in all the situations I put him in; the daily care, the other animals, the traffic, the hoof care, the vet - everything. I was really, really proud of him all the time.
Bleiki seemed to like being the "father" of a young stallion. I think it helped him to keep fresh and young himself. He didn't get very much rest, because Said wanted to play almost all the time, but it seemed like Bleiki was enjoying it really much. Of course he got his lazy moments anyway, when he could just lay down and chill some hours. The older Said got, the more Bleiki could trust him to keep watch while he was resting. Bleiki was the leader of the two. Said tried to take the lead at times, but in my eyes Bleiki was always the strongest, even though Said was bigger.
Winter 2005/2006
I'm riding Bleiki and Said is following us
Spring 2006
Summer 2006
The end of the story
Sometime in the middle of this summer, 2006, I had to realize that it would be hard for me to keep the horses one more winter. It was not only the time that wasn't enough, it was the money too. It was a really hard decision. The horses was of course a big part of my life and they gave me so very much. I thought of all the plans I had made about the future, when I would be able to ride Said and all. But deep inside I felt that I wanted them to be with someone who had a lot more time for them. I had school, the house, the dogs and cats. My time just wasn't enough for giving quality time to all of the animals, and horses are really "time stealing".
I wrote to Said's breeder in Denmark and explained it all. Wondering if she was willing to take him back or if she knew someone who was interested in him. I deeply wished for him to go back to his breeder, because I knew that she was a really good person. After some weeks she had decided to take him back.
I started to look for a good home for Bleiki, and I had a lot of requirements. Bleiki is a special guy and I wanted him to come to someone who could give him what he needed. Finally I found a family who lived in Norrbotten, even more northward than I am living. This family came here to see Bleiki and after just some minutes I realized that they were the perfect family for him. They were showing great understanding in horses and their needs and they were very nice people. The daughter was 12 years old, the age I was in when I got him, and Bleiki and she agreed very well. It was lovely to see.
So Said moved back to his breeder in Denmark in the middle of july and Bleiki moved to his new family in Norrbotten a couple of days afterwards. I really miss them but it felt, and stills feels, like this was the very best solution for us all.
I deeply treasure the time I got with those two lovely creatures!
♥ ♥ ♥