This blog: To what purpose?


Last night I was thinking about maybe sharing some of my - more or less sane - thoughts, and also some of the photos I'm taking. I must admit that I've been feeling negative towards blogs; mostly, or maybe only, because they are so popular. I tend to be against a lot of the pop-stuff, spreading like diseases. But I did think twice and figured that this could really be a good way to get to share things with eachother. Yes...

Some late nights I use to think that I'm having some really wise thoughts coming on, like flashes of insight. Well, whether they really are that wise or not, I sometimes write them down, in case they turn out to be sensible. I don't wanna give those thoughts too much worth, but maybe something in them clings right to someone out there?

However and anyhow, I've written mostly about, what I consider to be, pretty deep things. It's a lot of attempts to answer questions like why the reality is the way it is and if everything really works the way most of us think it does. Also why humans behave like we do and what we could do to maybe become more awake and aware, and in that way make the world a better, brighter and warmer place to live in for all creatures on this earth.

My heart is burning warm for nature and all that there is to it. Nature and animals has always been the biggest interest of mine. More like a love than an interest, indeed. My second biggest interest is travelling. I have visited quite a lot of countries in my 22 years, but I dream of going to many, many more to experience the nature, wildlife, people and culture of those places. Africa, South America, Australia, Tibet and a lot of other countries are on my "wanna-go-to" list.

Anyway. My photos represent what I love in this world; nature, animals and different places, people and events. Those things that mean so much to me.



Me and my alter ego, once upon a time...

Postat av: Leif

Mycket tänkvärt du har att förmedla, Miria! Jag tror det här är ett ypperligt forum för dig, och det ska bli intressant att följa med och läsa vidare av dina texter och tankar.. En del av det har vi ju redan fått ta del av på annat håll, men det här är verkligen ditt eget privata hörn av cyberrymden.. ;-) Lycka till!
/ Leif

2007-04-07 @ 10:31:03
Postat av: Miss Monroe

Miria, du är en sån fascinerande, klok och intressant person, och det förmedlar du så bra i allt du skriver. Eftersom jag själv, liksom du, också älskar djur och natur finns det många skäl för mig att då och då besöka Awareness.

Kommer snart åter. Kramar i massor

2007-04-26 @ 11:09:40

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