Does it have to be like this?

I read an article...

It was about conservation areas. People were upset. The reason was that the Natural Environment Protection Board, those who take care of nature conservation, had decided to turn a thousand different pieced of land into new conservation areas. This made people upset. The root of those feelings seemed to be an attitude among the upset people. An attitude that this change, toward more protected nature areas, would seriously threaten the development of society.

I think that it's bad enough that there seems to be a sharp line, or even a high wall, between nature and human society. The wall isn't there in by nature, but it is an illution that is man-made and will lead to no good. Humanity will never be able to cut off from nature without strong consequences.

Now it's even worse, because the illution has reached so far that some people seem to think that it is a big threat to humanity to protect nature. This starts to feel dangerous to me. Now we haven't just distanced ourselves from nature, but we are ready start a war too. We can't have that attitude if we want to be developing as human beings or if we want to stay here on Earth. We need to realize that we are indeed a part of nature, and a very important part also, because we have the power to change everything. It is all in our hands. The big question is... we want to end it all ?


Or do we want to save it ?

Postat av: mum

man kan verkligen undra hur det kan komma sig att vissa människor har kommit så långt från sitt ursprung i sitt tänkande att dom reagerar på det sätt som du beskriver. Har miljöförstöringen trängt in i hjärnorna på dom tro?

2008-03-28 @ 18:05:26

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