Giving and taking

A simple equation...

If we take more than we give - there will be a deficit.
If we take as much as we give - there will be an equilibrium.
If we take less than we give - there will be a surplus.


I don't find it very strange that the world seems to suffer from a deficiency of energy. When I say energy I don't meen moving electrones - I meen things like love, peace, happiness, understanding and carefulness. Both among people and between man and nature.
The world suffers from deficiency in so many ways. At different levels also.
I'm thinking about, for example...

The natural resources which are running empty.
The resources that still are available which are unequally distributed.
The lack of care and understanding.
The wars that kills. The destruction.
The hate.
The fear.

For me, these are nothing but symptoms of deficiency. And for me it's also clear that the reason for this shortage is that too many of us is taking more than what we are giving. The big problem, from my point of view, is that we either are not conscious about this or that we are - but we simply don't care. I like to think that man is good at heart, so my guess and hope is that our consciousness is not big enough to grasp it or bright enough to cast a light on it... yet?

Even an incurable optimist like myself have to realize that no man alone can change the world. Thinking about how we are billions of people on Earth it's easy to see that we would have to be a helluva group to be able to make a drastic and quick change. What we CAN do is not bad though. Not at all. Because what we can do is hopefully what is going to change it all, slowly but surely.


The solution is very easily said. We just have to change the equation to bring us to a surplus. There is three ways to do this; take less, give more or BOTH take less and give more. The last option is clearly the most effective one. Easily said, yes, but is it easily done? Take less and give more... This may sound abstract and hard to grasp, but I think that it is all quite concrete. I can come to think of many ways in daily life to put this thought into reality.

Examples of taking less can be to stop spreading negative energy around us. Stop excessive spending. Stop supporting destruction of nature. Choose eco-friendly (instead of all those EGO-friendly) products...

Giving more is even easier I think. Spead positive energy. Help other people. Do good things for our nature... There are so many ways to do this, and all we can do is to simply do our best. This will not bring a dramatic change in just some days, months or even years, but there will be changes for the better and eventually we are going to notice them.

We can't expect the equation to turn to a surplus right away, meaning that the world will be overfilled with positive energy. What we can expect though is a smaller deficit, a less severe lack of positive energy. Eventually, if we would keep on moving in this direction - giving more and taking less - there will be an equilibrium, when we will experience no deficit but no surplus. Stability. Harmony. That would be a really great thing, thinking of how it is today. The pressure on us and on our nature would diminish...

If we could get to that point one day, and from there continue to give more and take less, we would maybe be able to reach a state where the world would be overflowing of love and care. I love to imagine that. That would be heaven on Earth. People would give so much to eachother that no one would have to be afraid or alone. We human beings would care for our nature and other living beings. Our nature would eventually recover from the damages and be able to offer us its resources again. We would again be giving our care back to nature.

In the circle of life. The way it is supposed to be.


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