Wild animals
I've seen some wild animals the last days...
Two evenings in a row, I've seen Roe Deers. A total of seven animals this far. They are so beautiful and alert. It's clear that they react to every little sound, scent or movement. I guess they are findig themselves some nice, fresh green grass at the egdes of the fields. There they feel safe too, when they are close to the forest.

Yesterday night I found a little bird on my porch. I don't really know what species it was, even though I should know that after a whole lot of studying bird species. It could have been a Tree Sparrow. I think it was. Anyway, the bird was trapped on my porch so I gently picked it up with my hands and let it free. It must have been terrible to be trapped like that so it was a very nice feeling to see this beautiful bird fly away free again.

I've also seen three Capercaillies at night. They were in the middle of a courtship ceremony. There were one cock and two hens, that I saw. He went around with his tail feathers raised and did not seem to care about my presence at all. The hens, however, became a little uncomfortable and flew away. They didn't go far though so the male could go away after them into the woods. Very cool thing to see! I hope there will be a lot of cute chickens!

I'm getting irritated and disturbed though. The cowardness of human beings shows over and over again. It's evidently a hunting method to sneak up on the cock and shoot him when he is nearly paralyzed by the chourship rituals. Oh, how often I'm ashamed of being human...
Too bad that I haven't had my camera with me. So none of these photos are my own.
Two evenings in a row, I've seen Roe Deers. A total of seven animals this far. They are so beautiful and alert. It's clear that they react to every little sound, scent or movement. I guess they are findig themselves some nice, fresh green grass at the egdes of the fields. There they feel safe too, when they are close to the forest.

Yesterday night I found a little bird on my porch. I don't really know what species it was, even though I should know that after a whole lot of studying bird species. It could have been a Tree Sparrow. I think it was. Anyway, the bird was trapped on my porch so I gently picked it up with my hands and let it free. It must have been terrible to be trapped like that so it was a very nice feeling to see this beautiful bird fly away free again.

I've also seen three Capercaillies at night. They were in the middle of a courtship ceremony. There were one cock and two hens, that I saw. He went around with his tail feathers raised and did not seem to care about my presence at all. The hens, however, became a little uncomfortable and flew away. They didn't go far though so the male could go away after them into the woods. Very cool thing to see! I hope there will be a lot of cute chickens!

I'm getting irritated and disturbed though. The cowardness of human beings shows over and over again. It's evidently a hunting method to sneak up on the cock and shoot him when he is nearly paralyzed by the chourship rituals. Oh, how often I'm ashamed of being human...
Too bad that I haven't had my camera with me. So none of these photos are my own.
Two and two
I'm dreaming myself back to this place...
Where I lived for tree months about six years ago. The island is called Lovund and is located in nothern Norway. This place is so unbelievably beautiful and it will most definitely have a place in my heart forever...

Where I lived for tree months about six years ago. The island is called Lovund and is located in nothern Norway. This place is so unbelievably beautiful and it will most definitely have a place in my heart forever...

Acce & Alf
By the window

Summerjam, summerjam!
Where there's a will...
...there's always a way...
To go somewhere, we need both a will and a vision, I think. The will makes us want to change something and the vision helps us see the possibility. When we want to go somewhere and we see the way, then we'll have more strength to walk it, even when there are obsticles.
Yeah, I'm sitting here drinking some tea and thinking about nature. I often do that. I refuse to see animals and plants go down the drain without trying to do something to prevent it from happening. Tonight I have wrote mails to some people working with nature protection, announcing that I'm more that willing to help with whatever needed help with.
Hmm, what else? Yeah, I saw a pair of swans flying by today. They made me happy. A nice sign of spring. Too bad there's a snowstorm outside. Well, well.
Oh, Bob Marley says everything so good, in his "Guiltiness"...
To go somewhere, we need both a will and a vision, I think. The will makes us want to change something and the vision helps us see the possibility. When we want to go somewhere and we see the way, then we'll have more strength to walk it, even when there are obsticles.
Yeah, I'm sitting here drinking some tea and thinking about nature. I often do that. I refuse to see animals and plants go down the drain without trying to do something to prevent it from happening. Tonight I have wrote mails to some people working with nature protection, announcing that I'm more that willing to help with whatever needed help with.
Hmm, what else? Yeah, I saw a pair of swans flying by today. They made me happy. A nice sign of spring. Too bad there's a snowstorm outside. Well, well.
Oh, Bob Marley says everything so good, in his "Guiltiness"...

It really hurts me...
...to see these kind of pictures...
Is this the relationship we want to have with our mother Nature and with the other living beings we are supposed to share this planet with?

No, this is not what most of us want to see...
Some relationships can be fixed by just some pretty words, but the damaged relationship between man and nature wont be repaired that easily. We have to make a sincere and strong effort to make changes. Everyone has to do something.
Just a little something is way better than nothing.
Is this the relationship we want to have with our mother Nature and with the other living beings we are supposed to share this planet with?

No, this is not what most of us want to see...
Some relationships can be fixed by just some pretty words, but the damaged relationship between man and nature wont be repaired that easily. We have to make a sincere and strong effort to make changes. Everyone has to do something.
Just a little something is way better than nothing.
New wallpaper & stupid cold
One positive and one negative thing...
My bedroom is a new room. Very nice. That's the positive thing.
The negative is that I have a damn cold. I want to go to shool. I don't want to be home!
Anyway, here are some photos of the process of changing wallpaper...


Half-way done

The animals idea of helping... ;D
My bedroom is a new room. Very nice. That's the positive thing.
The negative is that I have a damn cold. I want to go to shool. I don't want to be home!
Anyway, here are some photos of the process of changing wallpaper...


The animals idea of helping... ;D