Does it have to be like this?
I read an article...
It was about conservation areas. People were upset. The reason was that the Natural Environment Protection Board, those who take care of nature conservation, had decided to turn a thousand different pieced of land into new conservation areas. This made people upset. The root of those feelings seemed to be an attitude among the upset people. An attitude that this change, toward more protected nature areas, would seriously threaten the development of society.
I think that it's bad enough that there seems to be a sharp line, or even a high wall, between nature and human society. The wall isn't there in by nature, but it is an illution that is man-made and will lead to no good. Humanity will never be able to cut off from nature without strong consequences.
Now it's even worse, because the illution has reached so far that some people seem to think that it is a big threat to humanity to protect nature. This starts to feel dangerous to me. Now we haven't just distanced ourselves from nature, but we are ready start a war too. We can't have that attitude if we want to be developing as human beings or if we want to stay here on Earth. We need to realize that we are indeed a part of nature, and a very important part also, because we have the power to change everything. It is all in our hands. The big question is...
I think that it's bad enough that there seems to be a sharp line, or even a high wall, between nature and human society. The wall isn't there in by nature, but it is an illution that is man-made and will lead to no good. Humanity will never be able to cut off from nature without strong consequences.
Now it's even worse, because the illution has reached so far that some people seem to think that it is a big threat to humanity to protect nature. This starts to feel dangerous to me. Now we haven't just distanced ourselves from nature, but we are ready start a war too. We can't have that attitude if we want to be developing as human beings or if we want to stay here on Earth. We need to realize that we are indeed a part of nature, and a very important part also, because we have the power to change everything. It is all in our hands. The big question is... we want to end it all ?

Or do we want to save it ?
...ring and my favorite drink!


Tomato juice


Tomato juice
Longing for...
...the 23rd Summerjam festival !!

"Only" 98 days, 13 hours and 7 minuters to go now!
I just wanna present some of the artist that are on the line up this far...
Jah Cure, Collie Buddz, Ky-Mani Marley, Cocoa Tea, Patrice and Shaggy!

"Only" 98 days, 13 hours and 7 minuters to go now!
I just wanna present some of the artist that are on the line up this far...
Jah Cure, Collie Buddz, Ky-Mani Marley, Cocoa Tea, Patrice and Shaggy!
Nothing to celebrate...
I'm truly bored...

Full moon... werewolf? Vampire? Me?!
Now this is really scary!

I always thought the full moon would transform people into werewolves.
But then today I found some photos on my camera...
It's me, and I look like a vampire - one crazy vampire too!
I don't even recall taking those photos...

This must be a horrible accident!

I always thought the full moon would transform people into werewolves.
But then today I found some photos on my camera...
It's me, and I look like a vampire - one crazy vampire too!
I don't even recall taking those photos...

This must be a horrible accident!
...really good songs, with videos!
Xavier Rudd - Messages
Xavier Rudd - Messages
Tori Amos - A Sorta Fairytale
A sorta fairytale...
In Sweden we call this day "långfredagen" and if you translate that to english it is "the long friday". But now I just found out that this day is called "good friday", "the holy friday" or "great friday" in english. That's a little strange, I think. It pictures two different moods in my opinion, the long day sounds like a sad day and the good or great day couldn't sound like a sad day no matter how hard you would try?
However... my day has been pretty short actually. Got up a bit after 2 pm. But maybe it's going to be long. I just got in from the outside world, I've been out chopping wood to get the fire blazing and get some nice warmth in the house. I am sipping on a cup of coffey. I'm also looking through the window and noticing that it's a snowstorm out there. Strange, just 10 minutes ago it was pretty calm and nice. Wikipedia has this to say about snowstorms or winter storms:
"Snowstorms are storms where large amounts of snow fall. Snow is less dense than liquid water, by a factor of approximately 10 at temperatures slightly below freezing, and even more at much colder temperatures. Therefore, an amount of water that would produce 2 cm (0.8 in.) of rain could produce as much as 20 cm (8 in.) of snow."
Wow, now it has stopped. No snow, no wind. That was a short little snowstorm. Almost seems like the sun shining on the hills. Beautiful. I love Mother Nature so much.
Now I'm gonna do the following:
When I'm done with all that, I'm gonna do this:

In Sweden we call this day "långfredagen" and if you translate that to english it is "the long friday". But now I just found out that this day is called "good friday", "the holy friday" or "great friday" in english. That's a little strange, I think. It pictures two different moods in my opinion, the long day sounds like a sad day and the good or great day couldn't sound like a sad day no matter how hard you would try?
However... my day has been pretty short actually. Got up a bit after 2 pm. But maybe it's going to be long. I just got in from the outside world, I've been out chopping wood to get the fire blazing and get some nice warmth in the house. I am sipping on a cup of coffey. I'm also looking through the window and noticing that it's a snowstorm out there. Strange, just 10 minutes ago it was pretty calm and nice. Wikipedia has this to say about snowstorms or winter storms:
"Snowstorms are storms where large amounts of snow fall. Snow is less dense than liquid water, by a factor of approximately 10 at temperatures slightly below freezing, and even more at much colder temperatures. Therefore, an amount of water that would produce 2 cm (0.8 in.) of rain could produce as much as 20 cm (8 in.) of snow."
Wow, now it has stopped. No snow, no wind. That was a short little snowstorm. Almost seems like the sun shining on the hills. Beautiful. I love Mother Nature so much.
Now I'm gonna do the following:
- Vacuum clean the house, with a vacuum cleaner
- Clean the floor, with a mop... a wet or moist one
- Clean the bathroom, with different objects
- Polish the mirrors, with a rag
When I'm done with all that, I'm gonna do this:
- Play Zelda, Twilight Princess, on my (Adam's) Nintendo GameCube

At the hight of the moon!
I feel so good now!
Relieved. Relaxed. Proud. Happy.
Now the test in microbiology is done and I think I did pretty good. Now I have 11 days of no school in front of me. Don't get me wrong, I like to study what I do, but I am really worth a little break now!
It's a lovely night too, nearly full moon and a lot of stars. Love that. Now I'm gonna have some really good food and just chill out. I feel kind of like a thousand... something! At the level of the moon!

Relieved. Relaxed. Proud. Happy.
Now the test in microbiology is done and I think I did pretty good. Now I have 11 days of no school in front of me. Don't get me wrong, I like to study what I do, but I am really worth a little break now!
It's a lovely night too, nearly full moon and a lot of stars. Love that. Now I'm gonna have some really good food and just chill out. I feel kind of like a thousand... something! At the level of the moon!

Aren't they just lovely?
It was a sunny sunday yesterday...
I went outside in the lovely weather with my two friends Gizmo and Aliyah. We walked on the fields, in the woods and on the river for over two hours. The sun was lighting up the world and warming us a little bit too. Here are some photos taken when we got back home. We're outside the house playing a little. Paasah came out and the dogs were disturbing her a bit, but she found a perfect refuge on the fence.

Gizmo & Aliyah



"Do we really dare to play with Paasah?"

"Yeah, let's go for it!"

Right before the chase that ended with Paasah upon the fence...

Quite satisfied up there...

...but still a little bit on her guard...
I went outside in the lovely weather with my two friends Gizmo and Aliyah. We walked on the fields, in the woods and on the river for over two hours. The sun was lighting up the world and warming us a little bit too. Here are some photos taken when we got back home. We're outside the house playing a little. Paasah came out and the dogs were disturbing her a bit, but she found a perfect refuge on the fence.

Gizmo & Aliyah




"Do we really dare to play with Paasah?"

"Yeah, let's go for it!"

Right before the chase that ended with Paasah upon the fence...

Quite satisfied up there...

...but still a little bit on her guard...
Microbiology... the study of microorganisms, which are unicellular or cell-cluster microscopic organisms...
And now I only have three days left of stydying this. I'm happy for that because this isn't really my area of biology. It's too small and detailed. I'm much more into ecology, where there is a bigger picture and a lot of connections. I like to look at a tree for example, and think about how it gets what it needs and how the tree itself is a resourse for other living creatures. I'm interested in how all things affect everything else in this circle of life on Earth.

Microbiology is too small for me, there's nothing to see, nothing to experience with my senses. Maybe it's just a joke that microorganisms even exist? No, they have to exist, I have seen them in a microscope, but...
you get my point?
And it's even worse when you have to learn all the tiny little mechanisms that work within those tiny little things. Chemistry is not one of my biggest interests. At least not now. Plasmids, RNA-polymerase, reverse transcriptase, attenuation, lacZ, peptidoglycan... zZzzz...

Different kinds of microorganisms
Anyway, I hope I'll do good on the test. I think I have a pretty good chance because I have been studying harder than ever the last week. It has been great to work through this together with my three best classmates!
The test is on wednesday and after that I'm free for 11 whole days.
And now I only have three days left of stydying this. I'm happy for that because this isn't really my area of biology. It's too small and detailed. I'm much more into ecology, where there is a bigger picture and a lot of connections. I like to look at a tree for example, and think about how it gets what it needs and how the tree itself is a resourse for other living creatures. I'm interested in how all things affect everything else in this circle of life on Earth.

Microbiology is too small for me, there's nothing to see, nothing to experience with my senses. Maybe it's just a joke that microorganisms even exist? No, they have to exist, I have seen them in a microscope, but...
you get my point?
And it's even worse when you have to learn all the tiny little mechanisms that work within those tiny little things. Chemistry is not one of my biggest interests. At least not now. Plasmids, RNA-polymerase, reverse transcriptase, attenuation, lacZ, peptidoglycan... zZzzz...

Different kinds of microorganisms
Anyway, I hope I'll do good on the test. I think I have a pretty good chance because I have been studying harder than ever the last week. It has been great to work through this together with my three best classmates!
The test is on wednesday and after that I'm free for 11 whole days.