Kära Affe
Min underbara kompis Alf. En blandras med norsk skogskatt som är 3 ½ år gammal. Jag hade hans mor, Tudor, och han föddes hos mig tillsammans med brodern Acce och systern Bianca. Alf föddes döv och är väldigt orädd av sig. Denna sötnos förgyller min tillvaro mycket. Hans intressen är bland annat att retas med kattjejen Paasah, att titta ut genom fönster eller på tv, leka, bli borstad och att dricka vatten ur kökskranen. Han sover ofta i min säng på nätterna eller bredvid hunden Aliyah i en fotölj.
Katterna trivs
Jag är så glad över att djuren trivs bra tillsammans här i lägenheten. Vi trodde aldrig det skulle gå så bra som det har gjort. Eftersom lägenheten är så pass mycket mindre än huset och att katterna Paasah och Acce inte får gå ut tänkte vi att det skulle bli oroligheter bland katterna.
Paasah kan vara ganska "moody" hemma i huset och pojkarna kan retas ganska mycket med henne. Här har det dock gått jättebra hittills. Hon har inte varit sur en enda gång! Pojkarna är snälla och retas inte med henne heller. Det är balans i djurvärlden.
Som vanligt så fick jag inget bra kort på Paasah, men pojkarna ville vara med på bild. Speciellt Alf. Han är så jävla söt den där katten!?
Paasah kan vara ganska "moody" hemma i huset och pojkarna kan retas ganska mycket med henne. Här har det dock gått jättebra hittills. Hon har inte varit sur en enda gång! Pojkarna är snälla och retas inte med henne heller. Det är balans i djurvärlden.
Som vanligt så fick jag inget bra kort på Paasah, men pojkarna ville vara med på bild. Speciellt Alf. Han är så jävla söt den där katten!?
True love
Djurkalender 2008
Ciao. Sjuk som tusan fortfarande. Känns ändå lite bättre nu efter lite smärtstillande medicin. Tänkte lägga ut lite bilder på mina favoritdjur som jag tagit senaste året.
Jag och Aliyah i januari
Whippa i februari
Gizmo & Aliyah i mars
Acce & Alf i april
Aliyah i maj
Aliyah i juni
Paasah i juli
Mimmi i augusti
Aliyah (och Gizmo) i september
Gizmo i oktober
Bianca i november
Alf i december
Jag och Aliyah i januari
Whippa i februari
Gizmo & Aliyah i mars
Acce & Alf i april
Aliyah i maj
Aliyah i juni
Paasah i juli
Mimmi i augusti
Aliyah (och Gizmo) i september
Gizmo i oktober
Bianca i november
Alf i december
Albino snake
Denna orm ska vi sälja i veckan. Det är en kungspython (Python regius) som är albino. Känns lite sorgligt. Vi har haft honom ganska länge och han är ju så fin...
Alf som unge
Min älsklingskatt Alf när han var typ 4 veckor gammal. Cute or what? :)
Älskade Alf
Dear twin brothers
Dear twin brothers
These two boys - now 2 years old - light up all of my days. Acce, who is a very active cat, is always curious about what's going on. And Alf, who is not that active, is often laying about and taking it easy. When I come home they are (almost) always greeting me in the hallway, even Alf who is deaf. I guess Acce is telling him that someone's coming. They are both very social and they like being close to us humans and the dogs.
Oh, what a joy these cats are!
Here is more to see and read: Two white brothers
These two boys - now 2 years old - light up all of my days. Acce, who is a very active cat, is always curious about what's going on. And Alf, who is not that active, is often laying about and taking it easy. When I come home they are (almost) always greeting me in the hallway, even Alf who is deaf. I guess Acce is telling him that someone's coming. They are both very social and they like being close to us humans and the dogs.
Oh, what a joy these cats are!
Here is more to see and read: Two white brothers
Dog of Greece
Dog of Greece
There were many dogs too, especially in the small streets of Molivos. I only caught one with my camera though. I met this little one on my way home from a walk outside Molivos. I "climbed" up a small mountain, and then down again, of course. Hehe. He or she (it felt like a little boy... I'm not sure, but I'll say "he") was sitting beside a bench in a little park. There was no one else there. He looked just like a puppy version of my neighbors' dog, Rocky. Anyway, I needed a little rest, so I sat down on the bench. This little youngster was not shy at all and came to me right away.
Playing with a cone
We were playing with a wooden stick and a cone and had a great time, at least I had one. Then my plan was to sit there a while and wait for him to get tired and lay down to rest so I could go without him feeling abandoned. I soon realized that I would have to wait a long time for this guy to get tired, he was a little spark of energy! But I was really, really warm and I wanted to go down to the beach to cool off, so I tried to "escape" when he was busy with his cone. Nooo, of course he followed me. I don't know what I was thinking (let's blame it on the heat) but I let him go with me for a little while. I guess I thought of all the other dogs who went around just like they wanted to. Also I thought that this guy would turn around when he found himself to far away from what I thought was his home.
I was wrong. He was trotting happily beside me like he had nowhere in the whole world he had to be and nothing else he'd ever have to do than to hang out with me. We went through a big, calm carpark and he stopped occasionally to look (or smell) closer at things or to lie down in the shadow for a second. When I called on him he came up beside me. I truly enjoyed his company and I wish that we could have spent more time, but I knew that the right thing to do was to go back with him. I had no specific plan how to get him to stay at the park, but I prepared to seek out any human being in the surrounding area and ask if the puppy was known. I'm sure he had a human family. Otherwise he would have been much more shy.
We went back the same way, over a carpark and up a little road. When we were close to the park, a little girl and her dad came alongside us. I stopped I let them pass. My little friend became interested in the girl and followed them towards the park. They didn't pay him much attention so I guess he went back to the place where we first met, beside the bench. I'm sure he continued to chew on his cone or his stick, feeling that he had nothing in the whole, wide world that he would rather do...
There were many dogs too, especially in the small streets of Molivos. I only caught one with my camera though. I met this little one on my way home from a walk outside Molivos. I "climbed" up a small mountain, and then down again, of course. Hehe. He or she (it felt like a little boy... I'm not sure, but I'll say "he") was sitting beside a bench in a little park. There was no one else there. He looked just like a puppy version of my neighbors' dog, Rocky. Anyway, I needed a little rest, so I sat down on the bench. This little youngster was not shy at all and came to me right away.
Playing with a cone
We were playing with a wooden stick and a cone and had a great time, at least I had one. Then my plan was to sit there a while and wait for him to get tired and lay down to rest so I could go without him feeling abandoned. I soon realized that I would have to wait a long time for this guy to get tired, he was a little spark of energy! But I was really, really warm and I wanted to go down to the beach to cool off, so I tried to "escape" when he was busy with his cone. Nooo, of course he followed me. I don't know what I was thinking (let's blame it on the heat) but I let him go with me for a little while. I guess I thought of all the other dogs who went around just like they wanted to. Also I thought that this guy would turn around when he found himself to far away from what I thought was his home.
I was wrong. He was trotting happily beside me like he had nowhere in the whole world he had to be and nothing else he'd ever have to do than to hang out with me. We went through a big, calm carpark and he stopped occasionally to look (or smell) closer at things or to lie down in the shadow for a second. When I called on him he came up beside me. I truly enjoyed his company and I wish that we could have spent more time, but I knew that the right thing to do was to go back with him. I had no specific plan how to get him to stay at the park, but I prepared to seek out any human being in the surrounding area and ask if the puppy was known. I'm sure he had a human family. Otherwise he would have been much more shy.
We went back the same way, over a carpark and up a little road. When we were close to the park, a little girl and her dad came alongside us. I stopped I let them pass. My little friend became interested in the girl and followed them towards the park. They didn't pay him much attention so I guess he went back to the place where we first met, beside the bench. I'm sure he continued to chew on his cone or his stick, feeling that he had nothing in the whole, wide world that he would rather do...
Acce & Alf
By the window
Aren't they just lovely?
It was a sunny sunday yesterday...
I went outside in the lovely weather with my two friends Gizmo and Aliyah. We walked on the fields, in the woods and on the river for over two hours. The sun was lighting up the world and warming us a little bit too. Here are some photos taken when we got back home. We're outside the house playing a little. Paasah came out and the dogs were disturbing her a bit, but she found a perfect refuge on the fence.
Gizmo & Aliyah
"Do we really dare to play with Paasah?"
"Yeah, let's go for it!"
Right before the chase that ended with Paasah upon the fence...
Quite satisfied up there...
...but still a little bit on her guard...
I went outside in the lovely weather with my two friends Gizmo and Aliyah. We walked on the fields, in the woods and on the river for over two hours. The sun was lighting up the world and warming us a little bit too. Here are some photos taken when we got back home. We're outside the house playing a little. Paasah came out and the dogs were disturbing her a bit, but she found a perfect refuge on the fence.
Gizmo & Aliyah
"Do we really dare to play with Paasah?"
"Yeah, let's go for it!"
Right before the chase that ended with Paasah upon the fence...
Quite satisfied up there...
...but still a little bit on her guard...
Gizmo & Aliyah
A very sweet family
A pair of geese with goslings
My boyfriend called on me tonight because there were a pair of Canada Geese on our field. I went there with my camera, trying not to scare them away. They went down towards the water and when I came down there I saw them swimming around with their three little goslings. It was beautiful!
Elks grazing!
A beautiful night in the early summer...
I was out with Aliyah just a little while ago and guess what I met on the field up on the hills? Not one or two, not even three or four... but SEVEN large elks grazing by the edge of the wood. It was really unreal and extremely beautiful.
Tomorrow morning or night I will take my camera with me to see if they are still there and if I am lucky I maybe can catch them on a photograph. Those mighty kings of the forest. Beautiful indeed.
I was out with Aliyah just a little while ago and guess what I met on the field up on the hills? Not one or two, not even three or four... but SEVEN large elks grazing by the edge of the wood. It was really unreal and extremely beautiful.
Tomorrow morning or night I will take my camera with me to see if they are still there and if I am lucky I maybe can catch them on a photograph. Those mighty kings of the forest. Beautiful indeed.
Snakebaby has changed skin
Old skin off, new skin on...
The new little baby python shed his/her skin tonight. The colours are much brighter now; more red, more cream and less grey. What he or she wants the most now is a little pinkie (newborn mouse) I think.
Dead snake? No, old skin!
The new little baby python shed his/her skin tonight. The colours are much brighter now; more red, more cream and less grey. What he or she wants the most now is a little pinkie (newborn mouse) I think.
Dead snake? No, old skin!
Dogs in the wild
Tonight I took the camera with me when I went out with Whippa, Gizmo and Aliyah. First we went up on the fields on the hills, then into the woods and then to the fields again. The weather was great and the dogs were happy and full of energy.
The woods
1. Gizmo
2 & 3. Aliyah
1 & 3. Whippa
2. Gizmo and Whippa
♣ ♣ ♣
As usual, Whippa quickly ran away after something. Gizmo and Aliyah wasn't slow to hang on. They have times when they are allowed to be wild and free. I'm not always that sharp and boring leader.
I heard Whippa started to yelp (as usual again) a strange sound. I have no clue what she had found. I don't really have the guts to go and find out either. Whippa is sounding so scared, and if she's scared what would I be? But I guess it's nothing that could be dangerous, like a bear or an angry moose, I guess it's maybe a fox or something. But why would she sound like that? I think I have to find out the next time this happens...
After a while though, Whippa came back and she had like foam on her face. I have no clue where that came from, herself or someone else? A lot of question marks here. Then Gizmo came and a while later Aliyah also came back. They were all pretty out of breath. But happy and excited.
The fields
1. Aliyah
2. All three
3. Rocky is coming (the neighbors' Collie)
1. All three again, and our house in the background
2. The river
♣ ♣ ♣
Whippa loves to run on the fields. The "bulls" are trying to catch her but that's impossible. Whippa can do different tricks, like running backwards, sidewards and stuff (haha) but even then, they can't get close to her. Whippa enjoys that a lot.
When they where running down the hills they caught a sight of Rocky, our neighbors' Collie/Border Collie mix. Whippa loves Rocky so she ran towards him and he ran towards her. Gizmo and Aliya came after and they had a party for a while. It was a lot of fawning and fussing. Rocky is a very handsome male, you know.
After a while me and my neighbor acted killjoys and interrupted their happy playtime. Whippa, Gizmo, Aliyah and I went home to chill out after our delightful time in the wilderness.
Tonight I took the camera with me when I went out with Whippa, Gizmo and Aliyah. First we went up on the fields on the hills, then into the woods and then to the fields again. The weather was great and the dogs were happy and full of energy.
The woods
1. Gizmo
2 & 3. Aliyah
1 & 3. Whippa
2. Gizmo and Whippa
♣ ♣ ♣
As usual, Whippa quickly ran away after something. Gizmo and Aliyah wasn't slow to hang on. They have times when they are allowed to be wild and free. I'm not always that sharp and boring leader.
I heard Whippa started to yelp (as usual again) a strange sound. I have no clue what she had found. I don't really have the guts to go and find out either. Whippa is sounding so scared, and if she's scared what would I be? But I guess it's nothing that could be dangerous, like a bear or an angry moose, I guess it's maybe a fox or something. But why would she sound like that? I think I have to find out the next time this happens...
After a while though, Whippa came back and she had like foam on her face. I have no clue where that came from, herself or someone else? A lot of question marks here. Then Gizmo came and a while later Aliyah also came back. They were all pretty out of breath. But happy and excited.
The fields
1. Aliyah
2. All three
3. Rocky is coming (the neighbors' Collie)
1. All three again, and our house in the background
2. The river
♣ ♣ ♣
Whippa loves to run on the fields. The "bulls" are trying to catch her but that's impossible. Whippa can do different tricks, like running backwards, sidewards and stuff (haha) but even then, they can't get close to her. Whippa enjoys that a lot.
When they where running down the hills they caught a sight of Rocky, our neighbors' Collie/Border Collie mix. Whippa loves Rocky so she ran towards him and he ran towards her. Gizmo and Aliya came after and they had a party for a while. It was a lot of fawning and fussing. Rocky is a very handsome male, you know.
After a while me and my neighbor acted killjoys and interrupted their happy playtime. Whippa, Gizmo, Aliyah and I went home to chill out after our delightful time in the wilderness.
Reunion: Brothers meet their sister
Acce and Alf meets Bianca
My mother came to visit us today and with her she had Bianca. Bianca (Arguila Bianca, meaning white clay) is the daughter of Tudor and the sister of Acce and Alf. They haven't seen eachother since they were 12 weeks or so. It was really fun!
Bianca in jail
Alf was the first one to say hi to his sister
"Let me have a look too!"
Then it was Acce's turn to say hello
I think they recognized eachother almost immediately. There was no hissing or snarling. They just gently smelled eachother. Acce was most interested and thought it was really exciting. After the greetings, Bianca wanted to go and have a look around. I don't think she remembered the house as well as she remembered her brothers. She heard Whippa whining in the bedroom and was a little bit careful at first. After a little while, however, she relaxed and started to enjoy it all completely.
To begin with, Alf was a bit mischievous and tried to (playfully) attack Bianca. It didn't take long, though, before the little lady had the boys wrapped around her paw. She took the leading position and decided that she wanted to tease her brothers. She pushed Alf into a corner and I think he had a moment when he felt really threatened because he got up on his hind legs waving his paws desperately. 1-0 to Bianca. But the next second Alf was challenging her again.
Acce, like the gentle little sweetie he is, wasn't up for any fighting. He just wanted to chill out with her I think. Bianca wanted to play though, and placed herself on a chair and tried to hit Acce with her paw when he went past. He didn't get the fun of that at all, he just got a bit scared, offended and confused. After a while Acce went to Paasah, who, by the way, never left the "dog couch" as long as Bianca was here. There he layed down close beside her and they had a good and mellow time together.
"Where did she go?"
Here she is
Alf is careful
Acce is curious
I hope Bianca wants to visit us soon again. It was really, really fun! ♥
My mother came to visit us today and with her she had Bianca. Bianca (Arguila Bianca, meaning white clay) is the daughter of Tudor and the sister of Acce and Alf. They haven't seen eachother since they were 12 weeks or so. It was really fun!
Bianca in jail
Alf was the first one to say hi to his sister
"Let me have a look too!"
Then it was Acce's turn to say hello
I think they recognized eachother almost immediately. There was no hissing or snarling. They just gently smelled eachother. Acce was most interested and thought it was really exciting. After the greetings, Bianca wanted to go and have a look around. I don't think she remembered the house as well as she remembered her brothers. She heard Whippa whining in the bedroom and was a little bit careful at first. After a little while, however, she relaxed and started to enjoy it all completely.
To begin with, Alf was a bit mischievous and tried to (playfully) attack Bianca. It didn't take long, though, before the little lady had the boys wrapped around her paw. She took the leading position and decided that she wanted to tease her brothers. She pushed Alf into a corner and I think he had a moment when he felt really threatened because he got up on his hind legs waving his paws desperately. 1-0 to Bianca. But the next second Alf was challenging her again.
Acce, like the gentle little sweetie he is, wasn't up for any fighting. He just wanted to chill out with her I think. Bianca wanted to play though, and placed herself on a chair and tried to hit Acce with her paw when he went past. He didn't get the fun of that at all, he just got a bit scared, offended and confused. After a while Acce went to Paasah, who, by the way, never left the "dog couch" as long as Bianca was here. There he layed down close beside her and they had a good and mellow time together.
"Where did she go?"
Here she is
Alf is careful
Acce is curious
I hope Bianca wants to visit us soon again. It was really, really fun! ♥
Two white brothers
Acce and Alf
The one to the left is Alf. He is oddeyed, which means that he's got eyes of different colours, one is blue and one is green. He's got semi-long fur, just like a Norwegian forestcat. Alf is also deaf, like his mother was. He is a really sweet and funny cat. He talks a lot and very loud. He's got a special sound that sounds something like "mm-gaaou" that he's saying quite a lot, and quite loud. If he could hear himself I guess he would get frightened. As it is now he's afraid of nothing at all. He is an "indoor cat" but one night when I had the door open he escaped and started to walk right into the darkness of the fields. He was walking and walking without ever hesitating. When I came up behind him and grabbed him he didn't get the least bit scared - he just gave me one of his other special sounds, a friendly little "brrii". Evil does not exist in Alf's world.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Alf is out walking in a lead
Acce (Arctic Action) is the one to the right. He has got shorter hair and he also has a little grey spot between his ears. Acce is a very sweet cat. He's got his hearing alright and (maybe because of that) he doesn't speak as much as Alf. The sound that is typical for Acce is a low and kind of sad-sounding "moow". Acce is somewhat nervous at times, but when he gets frightened he calms down really fast. Acce and Paasah is very close. I think they are a little bit in love. Acce is shining from happiness when he's allowed to lie beside Paasah or when she's cleaning him. They are really sweet together. At the moment all three cats are lying on chairs here in the kitchen. Alf is lying on one chair and Acce and Paasah are cuddled up close together on another. Little lovebirds.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Paasah is holding Acce
The two sons of Tudor. They are born in June 2006 and are now 11 months old and FULL of energy. They have a lot of fun together and they go along great with the other animals. However, Paasah can get really tired of them from time to time.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
As kittens
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
As kittens
The one to the left is Alf. He is oddeyed, which means that he's got eyes of different colours, one is blue and one is green. He's got semi-long fur, just like a Norwegian forestcat. Alf is also deaf, like his mother was. He is a really sweet and funny cat. He talks a lot and very loud. He's got a special sound that sounds something like "mm-gaaou" that he's saying quite a lot, and quite loud. If he could hear himself I guess he would get frightened. As it is now he's afraid of nothing at all. He is an "indoor cat" but one night when I had the door open he escaped and started to walk right into the darkness of the fields. He was walking and walking without ever hesitating. When I came up behind him and grabbed him he didn't get the least bit scared - he just gave me one of his other special sounds, a friendly little "brrii". Evil does not exist in Alf's world.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Alf is out walking in a lead
Acce (Arctic Action) is the one to the right. He has got shorter hair and he also has a little grey spot between his ears. Acce is a very sweet cat. He's got his hearing alright and (maybe because of that) he doesn't speak as much as Alf. The sound that is typical for Acce is a low and kind of sad-sounding "moow". Acce is somewhat nervous at times, but when he gets frightened he calms down really fast. Acce and Paasah is very close. I think they are a little bit in love. Acce is shining from happiness when he's allowed to lie beside Paasah or when she's cleaning him. They are really sweet together. At the moment all three cats are lying on chairs here in the kitchen. Alf is lying on one chair and Acce and Paasah are cuddled up close together on another. Little lovebirds.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Paasah is holding Acce
More photos of Aliyah
Aliyah on a walk
This was maybe two weeks ago, when Aliyah and I were out on our first "spring-walk". There was still some snow on the ground but it was really sunny, warm and nice. The little pup has really grown!
Aliyah posing on the side of the road
Home again
This was maybe two weeks ago, when Aliyah and I were out on our first "spring-walk". There was still some snow on the ground but it was really sunny, warm and nice. The little pup has really grown!
Aliyah posing on the side of the road
Home again